Bob Ballard and James Cameron on what we can learn from Titan

The National Geographic Explorers at Large weigh in on the Titan disaster: “It's okay to move fast and break things as long as the thing you're breaking is not a submersible.”

A close up image of Bob Ballard with a hat and under red lights staring intently.
National Geographic Explorer at Large Bob Ballard in the control room of the Exploration Vehicle Nautilus, a research vessel dedicated to exploring the seafloor. Ballard discovered Titanic in 1985—and has warned against expeditions that could damage the site.
Photograph By GABRIEL SCARLETT, Nat Geo Image Collection
ByKristin Romey
June 23, 2023
8 min read

The two people on this planet who have spent the most time exploring and documenting Titanic are National Geographic Explorers at Large James Cameron and Bob Ballard. In an exclusive interview held immediately after news came in that the remains of submersible Titan were found on the seafloor, the legendary deep-sea explorers shared their immediate reactions with National Geographic.

“If you're an explorer… there's this idea that there's a certain level of risk that's acceptable. I actually don't believe that,” says Cameron. “I think you can engineer against risk. I think you can minimize the risk down to the few things that you can't anticipate.”

A white and grey submarine decends in deep blue water with lots of light coming through near the surface.
Titan near the ocean's surface prior to descending on a journey to the seafloor. The carbon fiber-composite and titanium vessel was an engineering outlier compared to the steel or titanium submersibles most scientists use.
Photograph By OceanGate Expeditions

On Titan and risk

Both explorers agreed that the Titan tragedy was a failure of engineering and regulation. They stressed that the underwater vehicles they use for scientific exploration are products of meticulous testing supported with risk-management backups such as support vehicles that can come to the rescue should anything go wrong.

“I would submit that if you're going to take passengers into the deep ocean, certainly to the depths of Titanic, you must have another vehicle on board, even if it's a remotely operated vehicle, to assist in an entanglement,” says Cameron.

(Inside the Titanic wreck's lucrative tourism industry.)

Ballard points out the unique dangers of exploring shipwrecks, noting that they pose unexpected hazards such as the possibility of becoming entangled in fishing nets and cables. “Hydrothermal vents? You know what you're up against. I'm most nervous when I’ve dove on a wreck,” he says. 

Cameron agrees. “Shipwrecks are dangerous. There is an element of risk. You can't stop exploration, but you can't treat it like it's just to drive to the office either.”

A small sub shines light on the titanic.
Explorer at Large and film director James Cameron relied on this Russian Mir titanium submersible while filming his 1997 blockbuster Titanic.
Photograph By EMORY KRISTOF, Nat Geo Image collection
A light illuminates a propeller from the Titanic framed by the circular porthole of the submarine.
A view of the Titanic's propeller from the Mir.
Photograph By EMORY KRISTOF, Nat Geo Image Collection

On regulation

Unlike steel or titanium vessels, OceanGate’s Titan carbon-fiber composite and titanium craft submersible was an engineering outlier. Compounding issues is the fact that OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush chose to forgo the traditional certification expected by the industry.

“It's okay to move fast and break things as long as the thing you're breaking is not a submersible,” notes Cameron, “but when you're at Titanic depth, that doesn't work out too well.”

(He found the Titanic but for Robert Ballard the search never ends.)

“I'll stick with titanium personally,” says Ballard. “I'll stick with the [submersibles] that Jim [Cameron] is building and titanium hulls … after numerous testing with no one in it.” 

A person stands on top of a submersible before it has descended.
The carbon fiber-composite and titanium vessel, Titan, is transported to a dive location near Everett, Washington.
Photograph By OceanGate Expeditions
Blue waters illuminate the frame of a ship going under.
Central to the effort to locate Titanic in 1985 was Argo, the underwater search vehicle pictured here as it begins a descent to the Titanic site. Its hollow steel frame supports video cameras, side-scan sonar, a computerized timing system, and a host of other electronic gear.
Photograph By EMORY KRISTOF, Nat Geo Image Collection

On robots

The question that sparked a “violent agreement” between the legendary explorers is whether there is still a place for human scientific exploration of extreme ocean depths, or whether we now have the technology to do so without risking human life. 

Ballard praised the developments in robotic exploration—in the form of remotely operated vehicles and autonomous underwater vehicles—which offer unlimited exploration time, unbounded by human constraints. “When I went back to Titanic in 2004, I literally was on Titanic for three days,” he notes.

“You're talking about being on it through the video monitor of a vehicle that's two and a half miles below you,” Cameron counters. “I still like seeing it with my own eyes.”

(James Cameron on what it's like to "ghost-walk" the Titanic.)

“I actually believe the value of a human bearing witness,” the director of the 1997 blockbuster Titanic adds, saying his logic is not technical or scientific, but rather poetic and emotional.  

On reflection for future exploration

Both National Geographic Explorers emphasize that the Titan incident is an outlier and does not reflect the careful consideration that scientists build into their research efforts. 

“What is the lesson of Titanic?” Cameron asks. “Heed the warnings. Do not let greed and arrogance supersede your best judgment. I mean, the captain of Titanic was highly seasoned, highly respected, and yet he didn't heed the warnings and he steamed full speed into an ice field on a moonless night. And 1,500 lives were forfeited as a result. That's the lesson.”

Ballard agrees. “If you don't study history, you’re doomed to repeat it.” 

A trail of bubbles follow behind the submarine as it descends into dark waters.
Titan commences its descent to 4,000 meters. OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush chose to forgo the traditional certification expected by the industry when launching the submersible.
Photograph By OceanGate Expeditions

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